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The Lego Batman Family

Batman and the other heroes!

The Lego Batman Movie is a hilarious spin-off of the ever wonderful Lego Movie, but, underneath that fun, whimsical demeanor, is a story that you won't believe.

The Lego Batman movie is about a relationship between two individuals, one of which as cold as ice, who doesn't know how to love because of his broken home, and the other the only one who is putting their heart and soul into this relationship. The cold-hearted man is confronted by his grandfatherly friend, who adopts a child for the man. The man denies the child of a home and avoids him.



The man breaks up with his other, forcing them to go into an unstoppable rage. The man meets another woman, who he immediately falls for. The woman rejects him. After a few hilarious scenes, the end up together, the man loves the kid, the old dude hasn't died, and the man and his other are cool. Roll the credits.



The Lego Batman movie is just a movie trying to teach kids about the meaning of love. Awh! How cheesy. But still, it's cute. I mean, the fighting scenes are great, don't get me wrong, but the story is just a tad repetitive. I highly recommend it though. Glad we could talk.

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