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Darth Jar Jar???

The Phantom Menace. Most likely the most hated Star Wars movie to come out. For now. I love Star Wars so much, but even I cannot deny my deep, dark hate for the most annoying movie character to walk the big screen. Jar Jar Binks.

Jar Jar is a gungan, and lived in Otoh Gunga, the home of the gungans, before he was exiled by Boss Nass, because he crashed his heyblibber submarine. Jar Jar is shown multiple times mouthing along to Padme's words, and even uses the jedi mind trick, which is when you wave your hand around. Like when he tries to convince the entire senate to forfeit their powers to Palpatine? Still skeptical? I didn't think so. "Darth Jar Jar" was even pictured staring at the Rebels in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Everyone assumes that the phantom menace is Emperor Palpatine, seen as though he is revealed later on. But, we never see Jar Jar again! Maybe Star Wars was planning to reveal Jar Jar the Sith in Episode 2! We may never know!

This theory comes from a entry by Lumpawaroo. I highly suggest you check it out.

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